Carrot Butter Paté

carrot-butter-thumbnail.001.png This is not your ordinary dip and that's a good thing! It's sweet and buttery, something you wouldn't expect from something called a carrot butter pate. Thanks, Sage Restaurant in Salt Lake City, Utah for sharing your recipe with PETA.

Source: PETA Website & Sage Restaurant, Adapted

Carrot Butter Paté

Yield : 3 cups

1 lb. carrots, peeled and thinly sliced 3/4 cup macadamia nuts or raw cashews (that you’ve soaked overnight or boiled for 7 minutes)* 1/2 cup safflower or canola oil (any neutral flavored oil will work) 2 tablespoons maple syrup 1/2 tablespoon vanilla 1 teaspoon salt

  1. Add the carrots to a pot with enough water to cover them.

  2. Boil the carrots for 20 minutes.

  3. Drain the carrots and add them to a food processor or blender** along with the nuts, oil, maple syrup, vanilla and salt.

  4. Purée until smooth.

* You only need to soak or boil the cashews. If you use the macadamia nuts, you don't have to do this.

** If you use a blender, add the liquids first. It should help everything blend a little easier.