Look at all of the amazing vegan substitutes that are available in grocery stores! There are over 150 of them. With so many options and new ones popping up all of the time, it’s a great time to explore a vegan diet.
I must be the only Southerner who doesn't like mushy greens and doesn't believe collards must be cooked forever to be done. Watch me prepare flavorful collards that are actually green when I'm done.
Sweet potatoes can be savory and sweet. If you prefer a more savory dish, these roasted sweet potatoes just might be a new staple on your menu. Chop, season and roast them for 20 minutes and they're ready!
Fancy seasoning. Simple recipe. That's what we have right here! Adapt it to suit your taste and I'm sure it will become your go to roasted potato recipe.
Do you claim to not like cauliflower? I guarantee it's not the cauliflower it's the person who prepared it. Try this recipe and you'll change your tune. I promise!